
SQL for QA: Tutorial#6 – ORDER BY Clause

In SQL, ORDER BY clause is used to sort the records of the table. It is used with SELECT statement.

Using this clause, we can sort the data by Ascending or Descending order.

By default, ORDER BY clause sort the data in Ascending order, for Descending order we need to write down DESC keyword explicitly.

We can apply for Order By clause on multiple columns also.


SELECT Column_Name(s)
FROM xTablenamex
WHERE Condition     //Optional
ORDER BY Column_Name(s) DESC  ;    // by default Ascending order

Let’s take a sample table Employee:

SELECT * FROM Employee;


ID  | Name     | Department   | Salary

-- -+----------+--------------+-------

1   | Anita    | IT           | 10000

2   | Nita     | Testing      | 30000

3   | Sangita  |              | 30000

4   | Supriya  | Testing      | 60000

5   | Shilpa   | Testing      | 50000

102 | Mahesh   | IT           | 18000

105 | Priya    | HR           | 40000

106 | Priya    | Testing      | 42000

103 | Ganesh   | IT           | 30800

101 | Jamuna   | HR           | 85800

104 | Supriya  | IT           | 66000

Example 1:  Use of ORDER BY clause.


Table sorted as per Name column. By default it sorts the data in ascending order of employee name.


ID  | Name    | Department | Salary


1   | Anita   | IT         | 10000

103 | Ganesh  | IT         | 30800

101 | Jamuna  | HR         | 85800

102 | Mahesh  | IT         | 18000

2   | Nita    | Testing    | 30000

105 | Priya   | HR         | 40000

106 | Priya   | Testing    | 42000

3   | Sangita |            | 30000

5   | Shilpa  | Testing    | 50000

4   | Supriya | Testing    | 60000

104 | Supriya | IT         | 66000

Example 2:   By using DESC keyword


OUTPUT is displayed in Descending Sorted order by Name column.


ID  | Name    | Department | Salary


4   | Supriya | Testing    | 60000

104 | Supriya | IT         | 66000

5   | Shilpa  | Testing    | 50000

3   | Sangita |            | 30000

106 | Priya   | Testing    | 42000

105 | Priya   | HR         | 40000

2   | Nita    | Testing    | 30000

102 | Mahesh  | IT         | 18000

101 | Jamuna  | HR         | 85800

103 | Ganesh  | IT         | 30800

1   | Anita   | IT         | 10000

Example 3: Order by clause with Multiple Columns

The given SQL statement, the table get sorted on the basis of 2 columns. First, it sorts and displays all the department and then under the departments its employee get displayed in sorted order.

First, it will get sorted by Department and then under the Department by Name

SELECT Department, Name FROM Employee ORDER BY Department, Name;


Department  | Name


 HR         | Jamuna

 HR         | Priya

 IT         | Anita

 IT         | Ganesh

 IT         | Mahesh

 IT         | Supriya

 Testing    | Nita

 Testing    | Priya

 Testing    | Shilpa

 Testing    | Supriya

            | Sangita

Example 4: ORDER BY with Column Position

We can write the columns in the ORDER BY clause by specifying the position of a column in the SELECT clause, instead of writing the column name.

We can write above query using the position number of the column.

SELECT Department, Name FROM Employee ORDER BY 1,2;


 Department  | Name


 HR          | Jamuna

 HR          | Priya

 IT          | Anita

 IT          | Ganesh

 IT          | Mahesh

 IT          | Supriya

 Testing     | Nita

 Testing     | Priya

 Testing     | Shilpa

 Testing     | Supriya

If you check the above results you can clearly see that the rows are sorted on the first column i.e. Department and withing that group of rows of the same department, they are sorted based on Name.

Example 5: Use of Expressions in the ORDER BY Clause.

Aliases used in the SELECT Statement can be used in ORDER BY Clause.

SELECT Name, Salary, Salary * 0.1 as Bonus_sal  FROM Employee ORDER BY  Bonus_sal  DESC;


Name    | Salary | Bonus_sal


Jamuna  | 85800  | 8580.0

Supriya | 66000  | 6600.0

Supriya | 60000  | 6000.0

Shilpa  | 50000  | 5000.0

Priya   | 42000  | 4200.0

Priya   | 40000  | 4000.0

Ganesh  | 30800  | 3080.0

Sangita | 30000  | 3000.0

Nita    | 30000  | 3000.0

Mahesh  | 18000  | 1800.0

Anita   | 10000  | 1000.0

Example 6: Use of ASC and DESC keyword at the same time

Here we are applying ASC and DESC keyword at a time in a query.

Displaying departments in Ascending order and the employees under the departments in Descending order.

SELECT Department, Name FROM Employee ORDER BY Department ASC, Name DESC;


 Department  | Name


 HR          | Priya

 HR          | Jamuna

 IT          | Supriya

 IT          | Mahesh

 IT          | Ganesh

 IT          | Anita

 Testing     | Supriya

 Testing     | Shilpa

 Testing     | Priya

 Testing     | Nita

             | Sangita

In the next article of this series, we will see GROUP BY clause.

Tutorial Index:

  1. SQL For QA : Tutorial#1 – Select Query
  2. SQL For QA : Tutorial#2 – Where Clause
  3. SQL for QA: Tutorial#3 – INSERT INTO Statement
  4. SQL for QA: Tutorial#4 – UPDATE Statement
  5. SQL for QA: Tutorial#5 – DELETE Statement
  6. SQL for QA: Tutorial#6 – ORDER BY Clause
  7. SQL for QA: Tutorial#7 – GROUP BY Clause
  8. SQL for QA: Tutorial#8 – UNION Clause
  9. SQL for QA: Tutorial#9 – JOIN Clause